Le FIDLab est un espace de travail autour de projets de films sélectionnés en réponse à un appel international. Chaque année, une douzaine de projets sont sélectionnés, sans critères de format, de durée, de sujet, que ce soient des fictions, des documentaires, des animations ou des séries, au stade de l’écriture, du développement ou de la postproduction.

La plateforme a été créée pour offrir aux porteurs de projets l’opportunité de rencontres dynamiques avec des producteurs, fonds de soutien, diffuseurs, distributeurs, vendeurs, TV… Le FIDLab se positionne à la fois comme un espace défricheur de talents et un écrin en termes de diversité accueillie, et est devenu un label reconnu dans le monde.

Projets sélectionnés

Ben Rivers

Víctor Iriarte

Mauricio Freyre

Yves-Marie Mahé

Virginie Barré, Julien Gorgeart

María Paz González

Lisa Spilliaert

Anja Dornieden, Juan David González Monroy

Deimantas Narkevičius



La 13e édition du FIDLab s’est tenue du 14 au 18 juin. Parmi plus de 500 candidatures en provenance du monde entier, le FIDLab, plateforme de coproduction internationale du FIDMarseille, a sélectionné 16 projets, reflétant la production de 15 pays. Cette édition en ligne débute par la présentation des projets sous forme de vidéos, suivie de rencontres individuelles qui ont eu lieu tout au long de la semaine. Mettant en relation les équipes des projets sélectionnés et divers professionnels du cinéma venus du monde entier, 285 rendez-vous en ligne se sont tenus lors de cette édition.

Le FIDLab ne s’arrête pas là ! Les 12 et 13 juillet, durant le Festival de Cannes, l’équipe se joindra aux évènements du Marché du film afin d’organiser deux journées de rencontres privilégiées entre les producteurs des projets de cette 13e édition et les professionnels de l’industrie présents à Cannes. Ces rencontres sur place sont soutenues par la Région Sud.

La productrice colombienne Diana Bustamante Escobar (Burning), le programmateur italien Leonardo Bigazzi (Fondazione in Between Art Film), et l’américain David Schwartz, responsable de la programmation de Netflix (cinéma Paris, Manhattan), sont les trois membres du jury de cette 13e édition. A l’issue d’une riche semaine de rencontres en ligne, ils viennent de décerner 9 prix, des dotations fournies par les partenaires du FIDLab. Grâce à un tel soutien, le FIDLab consolide sa mission d’accompagnement et son engagement auprès des projets en leur offrant des ressources techniques et logistiques de qualité.

Prix Air France

María Paz González

produit par Quijote Films / Chili

Le lauréat recevra deux billet long-courrier d’Air France.

Prix Casa de Velázquez / ECAM

produit par Transparaíso / Chili

La réalisatrice primée se verra offrir une résidence de deux mois à La Casa de Velázquez, ainsi que l’utilisation d’équipement de tournage et de montage mis à disposition par l’ECAM, dans le cadre de leur programme OpenECAM.

Prix Commune Image

produit par Stenar Project / Portugal, Autriche

Ce prix consiste en la mise à disposition par Commune Image de leurs services de montage pendant 8 semaines.

Prix Fondation Camargo

produit par Laila Films / Israël La Fondation accueillera le réalisateur primé pour une résidence de 4 à 8 semaines.

Prix Kodak – Silverway

Ben Rivers

produit par Urth Films / Royaume-Uni, Akkeri Films / Islande

Ce prix consiste en la dotation de bobines de films par Kodak et leur développement par Silverway Paris pour le projet primé.

Prix Mactari

produit par Momento Films / France

Ce prix comprend la mise à disposition d’un auditorium de mixage et/ou d’une salle de montage son, sans technicien.

Prix Micro Climat Studios

Víctor Iriarte

produit par 4 A 4 / France, La Termita Films / Espagne, et Atekaleun / Espagne

Le lauréat se verra offrir un des services de postproduction suivants : montage image, montage son, étalonnage, conformation.

Prix Sublimages

produit par Petit Chaos / France, et Another Birth / Inde

Sublimages offre la traduction, l’adaptation et le repérage des sous-titres du projet de film primé, vers l’anglais, l’espagnol, ou le français.

Prix Vidéo de Poche

Deimantas Narkevičius

produit par Just a Moment / Lituanie

Le projet primé se verra offrir des travaux d’étalonnage (5 jours de studio avec soutien technique) et la création d’un DCP.

Focus Belgique

Grâce à Flanders Images, Wallonie-Bruxelles Images, Wallonie-Bruxelles International et le Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles à Paris, une délégation de productrices et producteurs est invitée à prendre part à cette édition du FIDLab.


Vincent Stroep
& Ulrike Lindmayr

+32 484 425 681
ulrike.lindmayr@escautville.org www.escautville.org

Escautville is a production and distribution platform based in Antwerp. Escautville was founded in 2011 by artists Wim Catrysse, Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys, Ria Pacquée, Frank Theys and Koen Theys. Since 2022 Lisa Spilliaert has joined Escautville.
The organization supports, produces, distributes and promotes the audiovisual art projects of its founding artists. In addition, Escautville is also committed to a number of guest production for both emerging and established artists.

Escautville also acts as an organizer of small-scale events such as the six-day audiovisual program ‘Ten Slotte’ (organized in close collaboration with Het Bos and De Imagerie). With these events, Escautville wants to contribute to the continuous expansion of the debate on new forms of audiovisual representation.

Escautville is run by Ulrike Lindmayr and Vincent Stroep. Escautville is structurally supported by the Flemish government and with regard to the organization of specific events by the city of Antwerp.

Kastom Kopiraet

Hugo DeBlock, Christina Stuhlberger, An Van. Dienderen

75’ / Development / Production : Escautville / Budget: 120 000 € / Financing in place : 66 210 €

Kastom Kopiraet documents the fantastic journey of a tribal art object from the Louvre in Paris to his homeland of Vanuatu in the South Pacific. Once arrived, Lengnangulong encounters the spirited villager Tarsissia, and together they explore notions of exoticism and the desire for authenticity in a globalised world.



Wim Catrysse

35’ / Development / Production : Escautville / Budget: 90 000 € / Financing in place: 5 700 € Partner: Munro Productions

Cracking loudly, an icebreaker splits its way through Russian territorial waters. NSR takes us on a maritime road trip through an overwhelming Arctic landscape, the future of which is the subject of intense speculation. World economies could literally benefit from global warming and the permanent defrosting of this area. Is the Northern Sea Route a long-awaited shipping route in the making?

La Merde

Aline Bouvy

20’ / Development / Production : Escautville / Total budget: 60 000 € Financing in place: –

Luxembourgish visual artist Aline Bouvy looks at how humans deal with the abject. The protagonist of La Merde is an anthropomorphic excrement. We follow her in her daily existence: as a film history teacher, or after work performing stand-up routines. Underneath the first layer of this grotesque puppetry Bouvy tackles misogyny and xenophobia.

Julie Esparbes
& Anthony Rey

+32 495 481 176
julie@helicotronc.com www.helicotronc.com

Hélicotronc is an audiovisual production company created in 2002 by Anthony Rey. Joined by Julie Esparbes in 2008, the company has produced nearly a hundred films, from short to feature and fiction to documentaries. Most of these films have been widely presented in festivals and on television.

Eclectic, human and dynamic, Hélicotronc develops and produces numerous projects, without frontiers of genre or format, and marked entirely by an author’s vision of the world we live in. These films are often the result of long-term relationships between directors and producers.

Worthy of noting are the multi-awarded short films such as Le cri du homard by Nicolas Guiot, César and Magritte for best short film in 2013, L’ours noir and Le Plombier by X. Seron and M. Fortunat Rossi, Magritte for the best short film in 2016 and 2017, and recently the feature film Une vie démente by Ann Sirot and Raphael Balboni, released in Belgium and France in 2021.

The series La trêve by M. Donck, S. Bergmans and B. d’Aoust, broadcast in 2016 (season 1) and 2018 (season 2), winner of the best French-language series award at Series Mania 2016, has met with widespread critical and public acclaim, broadcast in more than 80 countries, notably via Netflix. The second season aired on RTBF in 2018 and was widely broadcast around the world from 2019. In 2021, the same authors are shooting a new series entitled Des gens bien, the first co-production between RTBF and ARTE.

Glass’ Castle

Virginie Gourmel

120 minutes / State of development : development / Production : Hélicotronc (Belgium) / Budget / 3M€ / Financing in place : 67 500 €.

In the 90’s, Géraldine de Castel is a bright and athletic young woman full of love. Her grandfather’s death and disputes about the inheritance leave her wealthy family vulnerable. Her fiancé, Vincent Marnie, turns out to be a manipulative con man. Stripped of all their money, Geraldine and her family are in for a real descent into hell. To save herself and her family, Geraldine must rise up and find hitherto the untapped resources within herself.


The Andrès’ gaze

Baptiste Janon & Rémi Pons

75’ / State of development : development / Production : Hélicotronc (Belgium) / DOK MOBILE (Switzerland) / Budget : 240 000 € / Financing in place : 10 000 €

Somewhere in Europe. A small transport company. Andrès is a truck driver. Deliveries follow one another. The goods weigh down on his body. A rat race for profit. Andrès accumulates hours. The schedules that govern his work constrain his life. Before his very eyes, the landscapes marked by the flow of ever-moving commodities pass by. Andrès knows that he is part of a system that exhausts the men who work to make it operate – a system that exhausts itself.

Une bosse dans le coeur

Noé Reutenauer

60’ / State of development : Post-production / Production : Hélicotronc (Belgium) / Les films de la pépinière (France) / Budget / 190 000 € / Financing in place : 125 000 €

My friend Kirill, 34, seeks love but doesn’t find it. To live the ideal romance, he escapes into an imaginary life. He becomes, through his drawings, a vailant knight who declares his love to the princesses of his dreams. A famous rapper in his room, in front of his fans. But Kirill has down syndrome and reality always brings him back to this difference. Years go by and he is looking for his place in the real world. Through our conversations, I accompany my friend in his quest for love and ideal.

Peter de Maegd

+32 476 211 250
pdm@potemkino.com www.potemkino.com

Potemkino is a Belgian production company with an international reputation for its expertise in combining high quality fiction, innovative formats and international financing. From its collaboration with legendary filmmakers such as Peter Greenaway (Eisenstein in Guanajuato), Terence Davies (A Quiet Passion starring Cynthia Nixon) and Bille August (55 Steps starring Helena Bonham Carter and Hilary Swank), to producing the Scandic-Crime series Cold Courage (for Nent & Lionsgate), the prestigious sci-fi movie Iron Sky 2, the renowned horror feature Cub and the Emmy-nominated participative TV Series The Spiral (a European 6 country co-production, simultaneously broadcast), Potemkino has become one of Europe’s cutting edge production companies. Its output includes highly diverse projects – where high quality and ambition is the common denominator – frequently collaborating with new, local talent and launching them internationally. This international profile is combined with a strong focus on innovation and keeping up with new trends.


Grace Ndiritu

90’ / State of development: Script and Development Production: Potemkino (Belgium) / Lemming Films (Netherlands) / Budget: 500 000 € / Financing in place: 15 000 €

Inspired by a true life event, when the director was living in a monastery and Russell Brand came to visit. In Hippie we see a movie star move to a remote spiritual community while being followed by a documentary film crew. Causing chaos he destroys the life of those who live there through his obsessions’ with sex, drugs, murder and being famous. There is no escape for anyone, including the indigneous community who claim it as their ancestral land and want to stop it being sold off to a multinational, which they suspect Brand works for.

Marit & The Maximarket

Charlie Dewulf

90’ / State of development: Second draft available, development funding in place from VAF and Creatiave Media / Production: Potemkino (Belgium) / Budget: 3 100 000 € / Financing in place: 1 000 000 €

Marit (16) believes she’ll be able to fit in when she becomes the Most Valuable Employee in the Maximarket, where the Maximeter appoints jobs based on personality traits. But when the Maximeter categorises Marit as an “Error”, she only has one week to find out where she truly belongs.


Ish Ait Hamou & Monir Ait Hamou

90’ / State of development: Shooting script available, development funding in place from VAF and Creative Media / Budget: 2 700 000 € / Financing in place: 900 000 €

In the post terrorist attack, infamous Molenbeek, two brothers are each unexpectedly presented an opportunity, a dream that will forever change the course of their life: a wild card to participate in a tournament in Vegas.

Benoît Roland
& Alexandra Boussiou

+32 479 43 98 22
alexandra@wrongmen.be www.wrongmen.be

Benoît Roland has been working in the film industry for more than 10 years as a producer. He graduated from the Louvain School of Management and he followed a MBA at the NYU Stern School. He is also EAVE 2010 graduate.
In addition to being founder of Wrong Men, he is co-founder and director of Atelier 210, a performing arts venue in Brussels programming emerging talents since 2004. He is also the co-founder, with Nabil Ben Yadir, of the production company 10.80 Films, they have recently released Patser by Adil El Arbi and Billal Fallah. Patser has broke every box office record in both Belgium and The Netherlands.

Benoît coproduced features films such as: Xenia by Panos Koutras, Un Certain Regard Cannes 2015; Prejudice by Antoine Cuypers, IFFR 2015; Parasol by Valéry Rosier, San Sebastian and Busan 2015; Pilgrimage by Brendan Muldowney, Tribeca 2017; Good Favour by Rebecca Daly, TIFF 2017; The Hole in the Ground by Lee Cronin, Sundance 2019; Lola by Laurent Micheli, Rome 2019; Annette by Leos Carax, Cannes opening film 2021; The Sea Ahead by Ely Dagher; Rien à foutre by Emmanuel Marre & Julie Lecoustre. He also coproduced the short films Betelgeuse by Bruno Tracq, Palm Springs 2017; Little Hands by Remi Allier, Telluride 2017, awarded a Cesar in 2019 and shortlisted for the Oscars; Lucia en el Limbo, Cannes’ Critics week 2019 and the documentaries Clear Years by Frederic Guillaume, IDFA 2016, Wrong Elements by Jonathan Littell, Official Selection Cannes 2016; Inkotanyi by Christophe Cotteret, FIPA, DOK Leipzig 2017; My voice will be with you by Bruno Tracq.

Dans le rôle

Alexe Poukine

100’ / State of development : development. / Production : Wrong Men (Belgium) / KIDAM (France). Financing in place : script and development in Belgium (CCA)

In the small arena of the training centre, patients and carers simulate consultations in a highly realistic way, after which the «fake» care recipients express to the «real» therapists what, in their words, looks and gestures, has affected them. Can benevolence be taught ? This is the challenge of these simulation sessions.

Les détectives

Claude Schmitz

90 minutes / State of development : development. / Production : Wrong Men (Belgium) / CHEVALDEUXTROIS (France). / Financing in place : script and development in Belgium (CCA)

Gabriel Laurens, fifty years old, is a «private investigator». When his fifteen-year-old niece Jade comes into his life and asks him to investigate her father’s death, the detective is confronted with memories he thought were buried forever. Confronted with the ghosts of his past, Gabriel Laurens finds himself caught up in a strange investigation involving pretense, fantasy and drug trafficking.



100’ / State of development : financing. Production : Wrong Men (Belgium) / Logical Picture (France) / Radical Media (Allemagne), Tosala Production (OSALA PRODUCTION (Democratic Republic of Congo).

Between Brussels, Kinshasa and Lubumbashi, Augure borrows from magic realism to paint a portrait of « undesirables » and « sorcerers » through the intertwined stories of protagonists of different genders and generations, confronted with the prejudice and suspicion of those around them.


Partenaires Officiels

Partenaires FIDLab



Partenaires Média