Sophie Abraham

ESADMM – École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts | Marseille, France

Sophie Abraham (born in 1991 in Saint-Brieuc, France) studied modern literature and received a master degree in cultural pro- ject management. She passed this year the National Diploma of Art at the Marseille School of Fine Arts (ESADMM). Sophie Abraham is interested in the crossroads between different artistic practices and mediums. She works on the relationship between intimacy and the territory, and how to perceive it. LARMES DE VERDURE / 2018 / 4 min


France / 2019 / 3'

«Someone will come to stay at my place for a while. She comes from far away, further than we could imagine. I don’t know her. I’m preparing her arrival and I’m waiting.» What meaning does have an encounter? What does it imply to welcome someone?Sophie Abraham
