Official Selection 2022
Wendelien van Oldenborgh


Poland, Germany / 2021 / Colour / 35’
World Premiere

“Obsada” means “film crew” in Polish, but can also mean “task force”. The crew here is dual purpose. First the film crew, in front of and behind the camera, who are all women – art and film students brought together for the occasion at the Sztuki Museum in Lodz. The community are busy unravelling and investigating an initiative undertaken in 1973 by another film crew – who were all men. The challenge, initiated by the famous film school in Lodz, was to explore the collective aspect of filmmaking over 23 days. From the filmmaking of one group to another, Wendelien van Oldenborgh continues her lively investigation of the counter- history of feminism with Obsada – following on from her exploration of modernist architecture in Two stones (FID 2020), and the invisibility of women artists from a decolonialised perspective in Hier. (FID 2021). Proceeding via shifted frames and reverse shots, as both tools and the subject of this investigation, Wendelien van Oldenborgh sheds light on her own shooting process, thus turning invisibilities on their head. While the black and white archives of the event are revived and set in motion in order to be queried and turned into new material, colour is presented as another issue for this group of women. This symbol of (masculine) Polish modernism is reappropriated here : through the coloured gels which the women manipulate, monochrome clothes they wear, Sellotape and the walls. Overlays, drawings, all the many gestures which accompany and unravel what is said. However, Obsada doesn’t content itself with merely revisiting the past. The key objective, both then and now, is to recall the fact that this is still work in progress in Poland, a country where, as we are well aware, reactionary, draconian measures are in place which thwart women’s freedoms.
(Nicolas Feodoroff)

Technical sheet

Original version : polish
Subtitles : english
Script : all participants
Photography : Magda Bojdo
Editing : Wendelien van Oldenborgh
Sound : Paulina Sacha
Casting : Monika Czajkowska, Ewa Borysiewicz, Magda Kupryjanowicz, Elżbieta Szurpicka, Aleksandra Rosset, Magda Bojdo, Paulina Sacha.

Production : Wendelien van Oldenborgh.

Filmography :
Hier., 2021
Two Stones, 2020
Cinema Olanda Film, 2017
Prologue: Squat/Anti-Squat, 2016
From Left to Night, 2015
Beauty and the Right to the Ugly, 2014
La Javanaise, 2012
Bete & Deise, 2012
Instruction, 2009
Maurits Film, 2008
Lecture/Audience/Camera, 2008
No False Echoes, 2008.
Sound Track Stage, 2006-08
Maurits Script, 2006.



Wendelien van Oldenborgh - Germany

Official Selection


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